Large organizations that are active in Brazil
Main activities and control the economy magazine in Brazil. Publishing a list of the largest companies in Brazil (financial companies, excluding banks) in 2003 to collect information on the opening balance is used by the company.
Below. An array of 50 best selling individual shows, company name, city and State of the main offices in Brazil. Area of operations and sales (in millions of dollars) and the relevant comments.
All the information that the company hold 500 largest 500 # Trombini, Curitiba 149 USD-business in the pulp and paper, 8. Only 69 companies (excluding funds) can have more than $ 1 billion in sales.
City, country or organization selling comment field.
Petrobras in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, oil and energy 38.441 1.
Distribution of 2 BR in Rio de Janeiro, RJ 10.567 attack 1 (fuel)
3 Telemar Rio de Janeiro RJ communications 6.311 2.
Sao Paulo 4 Spain in several major telecommunications 5.699 SP 2
5 Ambev SP São Paulo, beer and beverage 4.559.
6 Rio de Janeiro, RJ Ipiranga attack (fuel) 4305.
Volkswagen 7 SP of San Bernardo 4.791 car Germany
8 Shell attack Rio de Janeiro, RJ (fuel) 1615 3 United Kingdom of the Netherlands.
SAO Caetano E-9 General vehicle do Sul-SP e.u.a 4131 cars.
10th the DF Brasília Brazilian Telecom telecommunications, 3 2 762
11 Bunge alimentos Gaspard, food and beverages 3870 SC Argentina.
12 Loaf sugar in São Paulo, SP 3.081 retail
13 Vale do Rio Doce, Rio de Janeiro RJ 3.628 hunts.
14 Carrefour Sao Paulo SP 3.628 retail, France
15 rakhemi Brasken, BA 4.326 Montego Bay
Esso 16 Rio de Janeiro, RJ are 4,466 e.u.a (fuel)
17 of the Rio de Janeiro, RJ Texaco attack 5688 e.u.a (fuel)
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, telecoms Embratel 18 6.944 Mexico 4.
19 Food Cargill Sao Paulo SP-2953 e.u.a and entertainment.
Utility (electricity) 3.043 SP São Paulo Eletropaulo 20.
São Paulo-SP-food and drink 21 mixed 2.916 Switzerland.
22 Cars fiat Betim mg, Italy 2.813.
23 Belo Horizonte 2.649 utility CEMIG (electric)
24 C.S.N Rio de Janeiro, RJ and 5.491 of iron and steel.
25-Porto Alegre, RS VARIG logistics (transport company), 2.375.
26 Unilever Sao Paulo SP pharmaceutical care 2465 and United Kingdom of the Netherlands.
27 Souza Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ tobacco 2284 UK5.
28 Embraer San Jose Campos, SP log 3.070
29, Porto Alegre, RS Gerdau iron and steel (b) 2.206.
Usiminas, Belo Horizonte, 30 mg of iron and 2200 of Brazil and Japan.
Itaipu Brasilia DF 31 utility (electricity) 605 of Brazil and Paraguay.
32 REFAB petrochemical plants Canoas RS 1.590
33 Casas Bahia E São Caetano do Sul, CP retail trade; 1237
São Paulo AGIP 34, 2108 tool SP, Italy.
Brasilia, DF mail 35 2074
36 Chrysler cars in San Bernardo, SP 2,159 Germany 6.
37 Sadia Concórdia, SC energy consumed 1,797
38 Rio de Janeiro, RJ utility (electricity) 151 young people. France
39 Copesul Triunfo petrochemical RS 1.990
40 Ford in San Bernardo, SP e.u.a, 1890.
41. telecommunications in São Paulo, SP 7 and Spain, Portugal, 1870
Furnas Rio de Janeiro, RJ 42 utility (electricity) in 1757.
43 Bunge Fertilizantes, São Paulo, SP fertilizers 1725 Bermuda
CPFL 44, Campinas SP 786 (AC).
45-São Paulo, SP-Cosipa steel 1573.
Manaus, 'm 46 Nokia electronics 1550 Finland.
47 sabesp in São Paulo, SP (water and waste water) 1515
48 SP São Paulo Perdigão are investing products 1483
San Bernardo, SP chemicals Basf 49 2.682 Germany
50 Abuse Copersucar Sao Paulo SP (sugar and alcohol) 2080.
1. Petrobras and BR Distribuidora products, said petroleum resources (oil, gas oil, etc.), wholesale trade (shell, Esso, etc.) sold in gas stations.

2. any business phone in various regions of the country, as defined in the Charter may be limited to the page (to do this, the company may work in another region, or suggest a new service Mobile) depending on their performance (as defined in the contract) be reviewed periodically.
In the Brazilian State of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Telemar, several powerful Telecom State of São Paulo in Brazil in the South and West.

3 constitutional monopoly Petrobras in oil lost, but in practice are still monopolistic ´ in Brazil. Major oil companies such as shell, Exxon (Esso, known in Brazil) and other (mobile and augmented doesn't work here) has undertaken on the retail market (petrol) companies are Exploring other fields Anne, but in kliron.