Automobile industry in Germany
The automotive industry in Germany is one of the largest employers in the country with a strong team of more than 866.000 in the industry (2005), in addition, Germany has the biggest share of passenger cars in Europe more than 29% of the market (source: OICA, 2002), followed by France (18%), Spain (13%) and the United Kingdom (9%) [1] in 2009, Angela Merkel stressed that technology has led to the loss of validity of the cars of Germany will lose the market [2].

Germany is considered the cradle of the automobile design, Karl Benz and internal combustion engines nikho Otto independently developed within four late in 1870 with the Benz, suitable for a coach in 1887, making modern cars in 1901 produced approximately 900 cars a year [3]

American economist Robert a. Brady, documented the rationalization of the traffic for German industry in 1920 of the Decade, and although the overall motion models applied in the car with the illness in recent years, Marco, develops slowly, industry Germany open markets for American Lexusa, important as those of the Netherlands, German General j. in which Opel in 1929 and Ford Motor Companypoy successful ostanovlenaNemeckij subsidiary Ford-Werke [4]

The collapse of the world economy during the great depression in 1930, is preparing to immerse the sample solution from the German automaker is a serious crisis. While the auto companies already in Germany in 1920, almost twelve years he suffered from depression, including Daimler-Benz, Opel and Ford plant in Cologne. Moreover, when the four main sponsors of the country — Horch, Dampf Kraft Wagen or (DKW) and Audi — formed a consortium called the Auto Union in 1932 on the domestic market, which serves as the back desperate [5]

The rotation for the German automotive industry, appearing in 1930 with the election of the Nazi party in Nazi policy called Motorisierung (""), transport policy, Adolf Hitler regarded as important elements of the Government's efforts to legitimize the interview. Development of life. In addition to developing and extending the schema, the motorway. Volkswagen plans to project most design and construction of an integrated, cheap. "People's car" [4]

Before the end of the second world war most of the automatic factory which was destroyed or damaged. In addition, in East Germany under the control of the SOBIETIKiS Union, which lifted many out of the car and return to the Soviet Union as reparations. Some manufacturers, such as the Maybach and Adler (automobile), starting again, but do not carry passenger cars Volkswagen in Wolfsburg production units he Tao (category 1) in the car, which was its intention to do so in 1945 before the war (called the KdF Wagen or)., unless factory converted into a military truck production during the war VW Beetle brings millions in 1965 goduVolkswagen included 10 million other built-in factory Lexusa and slowly return to the floor with the default templatefrom the production of the pre-war design Mercedes-Benz in 1946 with the pre-war design still 170 runs. Recommendation 220 series, which comes with tools that are more modern and 300 cars of Opel, Opel Olympia restored antebellum Opel Kapitän series in 1947 and 1948 (instrumental for the Opel Kadett was taken from the cold and Moskvitch 400/420), Ford continued to produce trucks in 1945 and began to build the Ford Taunus History 1948 insurrection began production of the Porsche 356 Porsche in 1948 and his long zwiTo 1964Porsche 911 began production in 1949 BorgwardGoliath and Lloyd, Gatbroda and Auto Union (DKW) since the 1950 's, BMW, for the first time since the war, BMW 501 and BMW 502 luxury 1952 [6] [7]

Car manufacturers in Eastern Germany after the battle and Ramsgate Motorenwerk (EMW), also at the Wartburg (car) and Sachsenring Automobilwerke Tsbikaoy, who made the IFA F8 (derived from the DKW F8) and original Trabant, manufactured by EMW after the war, this is a template that contains a replica of the BMW 326 327 pre-war BMW factory in Eisenach in principle owned by BMW.
During the bubble car-1950 becomes popular BMW was the largest production BMW BMW Isetta 60