Hungarian license plates in 2007
Registration number with the letter black on a white background, combined with three rooms and a combination of three letters. Type the extension currently before 1990 has • AA-12 34 plates 1990 when Hungary joined the European Union on 1 May 2004, the Hungarian flag above the letter "H" in the case of Hungary, since Hungary joined the European Union. On the left side of the blue line with 12 yellow stars and the letter "H", however, these new plates are displayed, or you can buy on the day on or after 1 May 2004 and vehicles registered in the original plates are still valid. The current system, AAA-001, 1990, received the cards instead of the default format of new old. In early 1990, after the audit since 2005, sorting through the layout of the letter k alphabet. Current registration plates, the first letter is the letter L (2008), and in the month of October 2010 quickly by mail, you can wait for m plate letters will be published in 2011, the JDA-001 numbers the default value is the EU flag these motorcycles with the letter "U" truck "F" and this name before, for example, "F" and "X"

Plates of a blue background and white writing in the letters "DT" followed by any combination of numbers (for example, DT 12-34) police (Rendőrség) is "RB" is the first letter, which is a combination of four digits (for example, the RB 12-34), specialty in Magyar Televízió some organizations (Hungarian television agency) is used in conjunction with MTV, three plates of the vehicle.
2006 National Ambulance Service can be used for the registration form the old 12-34, but style EU plates. Budapest transport limited (BKV RT.) Tarjoja-123 or BPI-123 default business traffic and identify the buses internally, no. 01-23-11-23, respectively. This system is used on IKARUS only (from the past that the two letters followed by four digits for the old plate BP 0123 saw boards changed Tarjoja-123) and the yellow Volvo car sign F ***
Id plate.

A brief overview of some special class that contains the shapes:
(Note: in Hungary, run the "Street" or "user" refers to the driving more than nine persons, including carriage traffic, unlimited certificate basket carrying fewer people "usually only 5 plate vehicle" order No. 35 of 2000 of the Minister of the Interior)
ABC-123: normal-12 and ABCDE-1, meaning that ABCD one plot price (340EUR and 1320EUR)
EXX-123 *, **: taxi plate most EAA 001 EDZ-999.
FXX 123 *, **: a car that is not registered in the "auto" and "Download"
MTV-123: Hungarian television plate.
XXX-123: inserting a trailer must be on a plate ' f ', ' X ' plates are white.
UXX-123: under a plate Last issue: UXA-123 follow as soon as the new system.
YXX-123: "slow car" tablets of red, white, and this disc special rules apply.

CK 12-34: consular plate, use the link table in the Consulate, but not the Council missions.
DT 12-34: Council of the range used by faculty, staff of the Consulate not rear registration and blue white (EU Beta has a blue light).
HA 12-34: Hungarian Army (35/2000 order States to include the army began an "H").
Ma 12-34: national ambulance chanborikan
OT 12-34: old-timer stove antique cars (more than 30 years) (only for EU plate version)
RB 12-34: Hungarian police plate (35/2000: police and border patrol plates begin with "R", the Russian Federation of the Republic of Kazakhstan are also used).
RR 12-34: Hungarian Customs and Excise plates, but also transport prisoners.
M12 3456: agricultural vehicles used for transport.
1234: Hungarian national C-X of people from any natural or legal.
1234 X A X B 1234 and x.-(C) cable 1234: rent-a-car, you can no longer use 1.2004.

Temporary tables ("EU plate version):
E-12345: temporary license plates
P-12345: a pilot or test vehicle ("test"). You can start only.
V-12345: vehicle sent by Customs
Z-12345: a car that was exported from Hungary.