Currently, there are all kinds of transportation such as buses. Cars, taxis and other vehicles are common in the first stage in the main cities there are approximately 1800 1920 car renters and 800, more than 800 million cars worldwide in Finland with more than 2.5 million vehicles.
Classification of vehicles founded in 1907. Police responsibility for the maintenance. It currently holds offices for security. Public transport, including transport, passengers control or own the car, so that public transport can be used by anyone, but you generally need to pay a little. Cars age 20 comes only in Finland, but after 1930 car and only 200 cars and buses. Now in Finland, more than 20,000 buses.

Car of tomorrow in the future. I hope that it will lower the number of vehicles because they pollute more, but you can see new sources of energy such as hydrogen or something and may be the cause. Vehicles that are larger than the cars of the world's 900 million in 2050.
In many European countries have all public transport in the city. The Embassy has decided to present the budget of Lae, etc.
Public Transport from Finland was created from the buses and trains.

100 years ago, companies who have tire and air force vehicle only tracks. There are 100 years old, the population of Finland, mainly farmers and factory workers, so that they are very low.

Today, everything we have: airline, rail, buses, taxis, private cars and make more money, the welfare state of Finland, and why you should be here.

With 100 years of cars were relatively rare. I don't see the car two days of the poor. The first car in the world was invented last century in the United States, which was produced on a relatively new and expensive.

People in the world is today, the use of private cars for their own, including me. There are cars, because many things are popular: private educational institutions. They will not continue. There is no unnecessary interruption and just some drivers to be visible in the large and expensive.
In the future. I believe that a car running on hydrogen, liquid, instead of oil, because oil is slow and is estimated to be completed within 30 years, the train can go only with electric and run buses from the same measures as the car. If an invention of hydrogen equipment plane in a few problematic, but it seems that you can fix this and someone invented a hydrogen engine oil, the war must stop, because it contains water, hydrogen and water is everywhere.

Traveling at home and abroad

People do not often be traveling because ´ so there are many types of travel and costs more than 100 years, we have about 5 million people in our country and foreign travellers 230000 2007 3.